Your Health and Your Mind

If you are just starting to understand the relationship between your thoughts and your reality, this article I wrote when my foot was injured may be just what the doctor ordered. Some of the best medicine for our bodies are healthy and vibrant thoughts.

I went for a run today…and I ran almost the whole entire 3 miles.

While this may not seem like a great feat in and of itself…especially for someone like me who has ran a marathon in the past…it is. And let me tell you why.

There is this thing we all have as humans, it is our greatest asset and our worst enemy at the same time. It is this thing called the Mind. Few actually understand it at all. Yet, it resides with us all controlling most of our lives.

It comes to our side to help us accomplish our most amazing victories in life. Yet, it is within us causing us to stumble and fall as well. While I will not try to explain what little I understand of the mind, I do want to draw your attention today to a very important discovery I made on my run today.

A few months ago I broke my foot and tore 3 ligaments…a significant injury. I was put in a cast and was told I had 12 weeks to stay off of it. I had just begun studying the mind a few months prior and knew that healing the body could be done with the mind.

I centered my thoughts on health and sent healing energy into my body and foot during this time. I worked on maintaining a positive environment within myself and around me. I also worked on cleaning up my diet and eating healthy vibrant foods.

And I continued to study. And I mean study. I was not just reading material, I was digging into what I was reading and absorbing what I was learning. I was journaling about it, meditating over its meaning, and putting into practice as best as I could each and everyday what I was learning.

My 6 week checkup on my foot came and I was hopeful I would hear something positive. But being new to the practice of raising my thoughts and vibration…I still didn’t know exactly how this will all shake out in my own world.

Lo and behold, I had a CT scan of my foot and went in for the doctor to reveal the results to me. He literally said to me, “I don’t know how this happened, but it looks like its just bruised. It looks like there isn’t a fracture at all. I can see in the MRI taken 6 weeks ago, there was a clear fracture. I just don’t know what happened.”

I knew what happened. I healed my damn foot! And that was all the proof I needed! He took the cast of that day and told me I could start bearing weight. While I still had some healing to go after that, I knew the power of my Mind was Real.

So here I am on this run today and I feel amazing! Now the foot is just part of this story. I

The other part is getting back into shape. have been jogging/running off and on for the past 3-4 weeks and just not feeling as strong as I wanted to feel. I would run about a minute, then walk…and repeat that for the 2-3 miles. i had been eating right and exercising, but just not feeling it.

I didn’t concentrate solely on it, but I did set an intention to be at my very best health!

I was introduced to 2 major players who have made a difference in my health Journey.

The first is Dr Jason Ciaramitaro at AK Wellness Solutions has been working with me since just before I broke my foot all the way to this day. He has given me effective tools to gain my health back via supplementation and diet. As well as adjusts my body accordingly as needed. If you are in the St Louis area and want to be in your best health, this man is a Miracle worker and is brilliant!

The second is Morellifit owned and operated by Michael Morelli Jr. I was introduced to this community via my daughter’s friend and quickly got in touch with Scott Wolling who has held my hand and introduced me to this wonderful family.

I joined their 21 day challenge which is a pretty rigid detoxification program. After my body stop revolting from loss of caffeine, I noticed a lightness about me.

It has only been 9 day so far, but my mind is clearer and my physical body feels less dense.

So…off I went go on this run today on a whim…just cause I felt like it. And I ran almost the whole entire 3 miles on this run! I even ran up the killer hill at the end!

And here is what came to me during this run. And the meat of what I want to share with you today.

We are all mind, body, spirit this is true. But we experience the bulk of who we are via our Mind. This is the part that is like the master lock of the spirit and body that we experience within us.

How is that so? Because it is our thoughts that allow us to experience life fully as humans. It is our thinking that distinguishes us from the rest of the mammals on this Earth. Yet many of us do not and will not consider how important it is to take good care of our mind. We just kind of hope it will happen to us and for us.

This is just not how it works. In order to have the mental state needed to allow you to live the life you want, you have to work at it. And this takes consistent spaced repetition. It takes learning and understanding who you are in relation to your mind and why it is important to work diligently on this part of yourself.

It is also how we experience Spirit. Through our beliefs and experiences, we form ideas of God and the Universe. And although these beliefs may be erroneous at first. I know that if you keep searching for the deepest Truth for yourself, you will find it…within YOURSELF. Seek for this Truth and you will find it…ALWAYS!

The Mind is also how we experience our Bodies. Our bodies are a reflection of what we think it is truly. This may not be a widely popular thought, but it is so. There are several layers to this…our physicality and we see it, but our mind interprets all of our senses.

Our minds, bodies, and spirit are all governed by the Natural Laws.

For instance, their are natural laws governing the body. If you eat certain foods, they will make you feel a certain way. If you smoke, you will most likely become ill with various ailments that go along with smoking. If you drink too much, eat too much, or take drugs…your body will unfailingly suffer the results of your actions. You can’t get around this! It is law pure and simple.

The Mind his also under the authority of Natural Laws. These are much less understood and very intricate and complex. Yet have very simple applications and effects. Let me give you an example.
Let’s take the topic of attitude. Attitude is a construct of the Mind (for the most part). If you have a good attitude toward your job or career, you will experience good results in your job or career. If you develop a poor attitude about an idea, thing, or person, you will have a poor relationship with that idea, thing or person. Good attitude = good results. Bad attitude = Bad results.

The thing is….since we experience ourselves via our mind. It is vitally important to establish our primary relationship with our mind. We do this through study and literally giving ourselves a daily diet of reading, thinking, reflecting, journaling, and meditating. It sounds like a lot, but will eventually infiltrate your life and become a part of who you are. The important part is to make a start and to understand your own relationship with your own mind and thoughts.

The next part is to then establish a connection to Spirit for that is where your inspiration will come from. That is where your guidance will be found. We grab onto Spirit via our thoughts. This feels like inspiration or ideas that come to mind that may seem outlandish or silly. But usually that is Spirit trying to talk to you and get your attention. As you connect in this way, you will find that your intuition will grow and expand in direct correlation to the strength of this relationship.

Another VITAL component is to establish a strong healthy connection with your body. This means feeding it healthy foods and eliminating things that harm our bodies. There is no two ways around it…our bodies are the genetic and physical part of our mind. It is how our minds and spirit express itself. And this expression can only be as strong as our health.

Once these connections are created, it is absolutely beautiful to experience the freedom within yourself. You then are able to open up all parts of yourself fully in order to express yourself more fully to your family, friends, and community. You are free to be who you are meant to be. Free to experience yourself as fully as possible here on this Earth at this point in time.

I urge you today to take time today to connect within. Find that connection within yourself that will allow you to begin this beautiful Journey to Wholeness.