
My Head Nod from the Universe!

Today, I received my head nod from the Universe.   I received a birthday gift from my children.  And as soon as I opened this gift, I knew God was nodding at me and telling me I was going in exactly the right direction. I have to admit in the midst of the upheaval of…

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A True Story of a Queen

As infants, we are born into this world in our purest and most perfect form. Born equal to all mankind. From birth forward, however, we are shaped by our surroundings. But even as little girls, not fully aware of the social stereotypes or limitations others would place upon us, we are queens. We are queens…

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Your Health and Your Mind

If you are just starting to understand the relationship between your thoughts and your reality, this article I wrote when my foot was injured may be just what the doctor ordered. Some of the best medicine for our bodies are healthy and vibrant thoughts. I went for a run today…and I ran almost the whole…

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