About Barbara
Hello there!
I’m Barbara. An unwavering optimist who knows that no matter what our past has been, the future is ours if we dare to believe in the beauty of our dreams. We are all here for a purpose which is born when we connect to our deepest desires.
“Desire is the starting point of all achievement.”
-Napoleon Hill

A little bit about me
I am an avid learner of self-development. My quest for knowledge started when I was very young and continued into college where I studied Philosophy. Being an athlete my whole life, I wanted to help people heal their bodies and overcome injuries. This led to a Master’s in Physical Therapy which I practiced for well over 20 years.
Although I have been well suited for this career with my natural abilities in active listening, critical thinking, and problem solving strategies to troubleshoot and target the “just right” solution, my yearning for a deeper knowledge never died.
I have now returned to my true nature and have connected with the wisdom of the ages which I know to be at the core of the whole of who we are...and the core of our potential. I am fascinated by human potential! I will never tire of seeing the amazing results that take place as deep subconscious beliefs are overcome and the person emerges into their true self.
No stranger to failure and disappointment, I do realize that so much of being a coach is about lifting you up and creating an atmosphere of trust. It is about expanding who you are as an individual to create a stronger bond with what you already know to be true inside of you.
I know from personal experience that having that one person in your life who you trust makes all the difference in the world. I do believe we all have something unique inside us to share with one another. And together, we are able to become more fully who we are meant to be. Together we rise!
Come lock arms with me on this Journey to becoming all you can be...to becoming who you are meant to be.
The 3 biggest lessons that changed my life... and I want to teach others:

Imagination is our Best Friend
A whole new world opens up to you once you let your imagination take flight. We have not been taught to use this marvelous gift of our mind. We have been taught to shut it down, to stop dreaming...and to wake up to reality. Well...I have learned an entirely new lesson. The lesson is that we absolutely NEED to use our imagination. Without it, we perish. Using your imagination will lead your life in a completely new direction!

Self Image is the Real Queen
What do I mean by this? I mean that you can never outgrow your self image. Who you see yourself as is who you will become. So the key to you living a more authentic and empowered life does not lie in changing your circumstances first; it lies in changing your self image first. Once you rid yourself of the layers of conditioning in the deep recesses of your mind, you are free to be you…the you that you have always wanted to be.

Change doesn’t happen by Chance
Success, your results...whatever you want to call the outside circumstances of your life...does not happen by chance. They are a result of what is going on inside of you. Once you learn these laws governing your life you will have so much fun creating a life you LOVE! Your insides will always create your outside circumstances, so why not be in charge of the results instead of letting the circumstances control you?
My Passions
Living...really really living!
- Dancing... but no one gets to watch! Well, sometimes they do 😉
- Anything outdoors. Fresh air and God’s green Earth revive my soul!
- Reading. Nothing inspires me or allows me to start to understand like reading does.
- Writing. I am always writing something, so be on the lookout for my new blog post or book!
- ACTION! I am a girl of action. I love to put into practice what I am learning to really seal the deal.
- TRAVEL. Learning about new places and people always brings enormous amounts of FUN to my life!
- And YOU! No really, it’s true. Nothing compares to seeing the light come on in someone’s eyes when they realize their whole world has opened up to new possibilities!

Are you ready to create new possibilities?
The transformation you seek is not only possible, but it's also within your reach. It's time to step into a life of deep fulfillment, experience greater pleasure, and interact with the world powerfully and playfully.