Book Launch Today

Hello everyone!

Today is the day one of my dreams comes true! I am not even sure how to feel to be very honest. Anxious, excited, and nervous are some words that come to mind. But part of me doesn’t even feel like it is real.

Today is the day I become a published author! I have dreamed and thought about this day for the past 2 years quite intensely. Yet, the way it came about was just…so natural.

I had been attending several networking events and meeting with people for coffee. Just absorbing so much information and letting people know that I was coaching and who my ideal client is. One thing led to another and I had the honor of meeting with Cathy Davis from Davis Creative to hear about what she does as a publisher. Shortly thereafter she invited me to join her in this anthology. I didn’t have to think twice honestly, the name drew me in and I wanted to be a part of it!

Here we are 4 months later, and TODAY…the book is published!

Fearless and Fabulous: Finding Your Way Through Change and Beyond is available in a digital format today!

I am tickled pink and am so excited to be a co-author of this fantastic book! My chapter is called “Finding Change Later in Life.”

I don’t want to spoil it, and would absolutely LOVE if you would lean in and get a copy during our Best Seller Campaign (the first 24 hours of its release on Amazon) for the special rate of just $1 USD.

I am honored to be on of the powerful experts that has been featured and included in this book. In this book, Cathy Davis (the Compiler) gathered a group of Fearless and Fabulous Women to help the reader gain valuable information insights and encouragement to step forward fearlessly and powerfully.

Remember, YOU are fabulous … AND the world need you as we go through changes ad challenges as we are today. I believe our book will equip and empower you to share more of the fabulous gift that you are in the world!

Here is the US link. Please message me at if you need a different country link!

Thank you in advance. And I would absolutely LOVE to hear what you got out of the book!