The Soul’s Journey

This is a letter I wrote a while back when I started really working with and understanding the Natural Laws of the Universe. The tug at the soul is so important to take note of. It is so important to know that that feeling of connection is vitally important for forward momentum and movement toward what we really want to experience in our lives. I hope you enjoy this article as much as I do today re-reading it.

Please note there is some adult language in this. So please DO NOT READ this article if that offends you.

(Maybe shading the remainder of this post?)

I am here writing right now because I cannot ignore the tug in my heart and soul.

If you are following me on Instagram or are a friend on Facebook, you know that I began working with a particular life coach 6 months ago. AND…it has absolutely ROCKED MY WORLD! It was the decision that changed my life’s course.

How? By NOT ONLY changing my perspective on life, BUT ALSO helping me to understand the mechanics behind it. It has helped me to understand the SCIENCE behind transformation.

I went on a walk with a friend this morning and this very topic came up. It is one thing to know that you have to do something in order to gain a certain result, but it is an absolute game changer when you know the rules and how to apply them!

And now, I am living a life in alignment with my deepest desires and highest good! I have a confidence, enthusiasm, and excitement in my life that I had NEVER known before.

But…hold on. Let me back up and catch you up to speed.

Before I started working with this life coach, my world came crashing down. I will share more details on that in another format later…but for now, all you need to know is that I hit rock bottom.
And this is exactly where my foundation has been built.

I had heard about the Law of Attraction for YEARS! Years…and years…and years. Did I say years? The premise I understood was this: change your thoughts and your world will change. If you think positive thoughts, then you will get positive results in your life!

I watched the movie The Secret and saw how it was apparently working for a ton of other people. So, I would try and try…with poor results.